Do you find yourself rarely feeling fulfilled? Or maybe you sometimes feel like if only you could get to that next thing then you will be happy?
Today I want to tell you about a time when the Holy Spirit reminded me of the fact that He truly is the only one who can bring true contentment and satisfaction. And before I lose your interest because of how cliche that statement is, I just want to encourage you to hear me out.
Me and my husband dated for about two and a half years before we got engaged, and I was definitely one of those girls that could not wait to get engaged. I looked for it everywhere. I don’t know if it had to do with the fact that some of my friends were getting engaged, or if I just wanted to start a life with Ryan, but something in me just desired to be engaged so badly.
We would go on certain trips or special dates and I would wonder if this was about to be “the moment.” I would even sometimes interrogate Ryan to try and get some sort of hint or clue from him and then I would be disappointed when his answer didn’t match what I thought.
It became my ultimate “next thing.” I thought that if I got it, THEN I would be content and truly happy. Instead of looking forward to that next stage, I began to idolize it. I had lost sight of the blessing that it was and began to expect it as if I needed it to be happy.
Well one day…. (a couple months before the proposal) I had what I like to call a come to Jesus meeting with the Lord, Ryan, and my wonderful mother. I am not saying this conversation helped me do a full 180 turn around, but my mindset definitely did shift to such a better place thank goodness.
Once the engagement day did come, it was perfect! I was the most surprised I had ever been in my whole life and I know that it was because of that healthier mindset I had been practicing. But get this, after all of it was over, life went on as normal....
What I had previously idolized and thought would make my life better and more satisfying had come and gone and life was all still the same. I am not trying to downplay engagement in the slightest, but the only thing that was different was that Ryan had the title of fiance and I had a gorgeous (and I mean gorgeous) ring on my finger.
How often do we long for what we think is our next best thing and then forget the meaning of where the Lord has us right now? Here’s what I’ve learned: There will always be a “next thing.” After that “thing” comes, life will go on and then there will come another “next thing.” Whether it be a job title, relationship status, or a big life moment, our human nature is to always want more in hopes to feel happier and more satisfied.
I believe that comparison is something the enemy uses to create discontentment in our lives. As believers, were we really created to spend our lives here on earth looking/living for the next stage in order to feel fulfilled? Absolutely not!
Half of the time, the only reason we aren’t content with where we are is because we look around and compare our lives to those around us. And when we do this of course there will always be someone else who seems to have something cooler, newer, bigger, and better that makes them seem happier.
The event that I thought would bring ultimate happiness and contentment into my life, had come and gone in an instant. Was I extremely thankful and happy? Of course! But I was also still the same Crystal, living the same life that I had lived before I got the ring. I had the same struggles, insecurities, worries, fears, and desires.
The thing that I thought would satisfy it all did not make any of that change or go away.
Stop believing the lie that you are missing out. It’s just not the truth. The only thing you’re missing out on is getting everything you need in Jesus!
I believe that with Jesus as our source of contentment, life doesn’t just “go on.” Life becomes this exciting adventure. Life becomes more rewarding and refreshing. Life will feel more on track. The seasons of drought won’t seem as hard or long because we no longer need to have a good season to feel happy or content.
Contentment will be found in what the Lord is doing in our own life and not by what others seem to think. God’s involvement and faithfulness will bring more peace than anything else.
I am preaching to myself on this one...Enough of looking onto the next thing! It will come if and when it’s supposed to. Be here today. Pursue where the Lord has you today and try to receive all that He has for you in this season, today.
Life goes on either way, so let’s make it worth it! We are in this together!
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