What My First Semester of College Has Taught Me

Jan 18, 2021

For those of you who don’t know, I attend Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia. This was my absolute DREAM school, and I’m so blessed to go there. I just finished up my first semester and it was amazing, to say the least.


If you are interested in hearing my college decision story, and how I chose Liberty, I wrote a separate blog post called “How I Decided Which College to Attend.” It will be out soon and you will be able to see what the process was like trying to pick which college to attend.


Going off to college is a big change, let alone during covid. Liberty was one of the lucky schools to have in-person classes this past semester. I was always so grateful that we were able to do that. Liberty took all the right precautions and we were able to stay open the entire semester, praise God!


Heading off to college in a state nine hours away from home, during a global pandemic, was insanely nerve-racking let me tell you. I had so many doubts and questions about how everything was going to work out and how I would be able to actually enjoy my time there. But, the Lord is good and the moment I got there, I felt peace knowing I was meant to be there and everything was going to be okay.

Where God Guides, He Provides


This is my statement that I held onto when I doubted or was unsure about going off to college. Throughout the whole semester, God proved this statement to be true. He answered every prayer that I prayed before I moved to Liberty. He guided me to Liberty, and He continually provided me with what I needed. 


He provided me with an amazing group of girls that I deeply admire and love. He provided me with peace that I was where I was meant to be. He provided me with friends in every one of my classes. He provided me with the perfect building, hall, and dorm room. He provided me with the best roommate I could ever ask for. He provided me with a new sense of independence and responsibility. 


He provided me with comfort when I thought I was going to be homesick 24/7. He made Liberty my second home where I feel belonged, loved, safe, and secure. The Lord’s ways are SO much better than our own. 


I’m not saying all of this to brag or make it sound like this past semester was perfect. Of course, there were low moments, days I cried more often than normal, and was frustrated with school. I’m saying all of this to show you that God answers prayers. He knew the desires of my heart and paid attention to the specific things I prayed for before going to college. Keep praying friends. 

It’s Okay To Do Things Alone Sometimes


Being away at college and not knowing many people can be intimidating. I had to learn to be okay with doing things by myself. I had to learn to depend on myself and not other people.


A lot of times, my friends' schedules were completely different than mine. Which meant, sometimes I would have to eat alone. This might not seem like a big deal, but this was a pretty scary thought for me to do at first. I would always get my lunch to-go and walk allll the way back to my dorm room so I wouldn’t have to eat by myself in the cafeteria.


After a few weeks of doing that, I decided one day to sit down and eat my lunch in the cafeteria. Of course, I went and sat in the very back room. Let alone to my surprise there were severallllll other people that were sitting alone too. Like at about every table I saw in the back area. I realized that 1- I was not the only one that has to eat alone sometimes, 2- by seeing other people brave enough to eat on their own, I, in turn, got the confidence to sit and eat alone.


I got a whole new boost of confidence after that encounter. Most of the time, I had to walk alone to my classes, the bus stop, appointments, the store, to pick up food. I learned how to be independent and not depend on other people to make me feel “comfortable.” I gained a whole new sense of responsibility and independence that now affects me in every aspect of life. Don’t be afraid to do stuff on your own, it will be scary at first, but once you do it a few times, you’ll turn into a whole new person.

You Have To Fight For Your Quiet Time With The Lord


College is a whole lot of craziness. You are trying to figure out how to balance going to class, homework, studying, friendships, extracurricular activities, hobbies, and jobs. Time management is something I really had to learn this past semester. I had to plan out my assignments at the beginning of each week to make sure I got them all done on time.


It can be easy to get distracted with the busy aspects of life that you just “don’t have time” for the Lord. To be completely honest I struggled a tonnnn trying to carve out time to spend with the Lord this past semester. Probably the most I’ve ever struggled. It was hard moving to a new environment and out of my usual routines. It took me a while to find a routine to stick with for my quiet time with the Lord, but towards the end of the semester, I got a lot better at it.


Another thing I learned is that your time with the Lord doesn’t have to be spent just within the first thirty minutes of your morning with your bible study and coffee in hand. While studying your Bible is important, it isn’t the only way you can spend time with the Lord. Talk to Him while you’re walking to class, thank Him when something good happens, ask Him questions about what you should do or what decision to make. Pray to Him about how your day is going, and meditate on His Word.


Spend time with the Lord during the entire day, not just when your Bible and notebook is open. Invite the Lord into every aspect of your life. We can miss experiences or divine encounters the Lord is trying to reveal to us. The enemy will do anything in his power to distract you from spending time with God. Fight for your quiet time with the Lord. Make it your #1 priority and carve out time in your “busy” day for Him.


I don’t know about you, but I want to experience the Lord more than just when I’m reading and studying His Word. I’m going to start looking for Him in the little and mundane things in life, not just the big things.


Overall, college is a whirlwind for sure with so many different emotions. But, I wouldn’t trade it for the world. God is molding and forming me into who He is calling me to be and I’m so excited to see where He will take me. Your will be done Lord, not my own.


-Kayla Milligan

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